Serving Tampa, Hillsborough County & Eastern Pasco County
There are few things that evoke feelings of the tropics like palm trees. Warm climates, like that of Florida, are fortunate to get their pick from the wide variety of palm tree choices. Knowing the choices and how to properly care for your palm trees will help you obtain the landscape design you desire with healthy and vibrant palms.
You’ll want to choose a tree that is hardy in your region. Luckily for those in the temperate area of mid-Florida that means nearly all species of palms. Hardy palms can withstand light freezes that sometimes happen here during the winter months. Some of the varieties considered as the hardy type are: Cabbage Palm, Chinese Palm, Bismarck, Needle Palm, Sago, Mexican Fan and the Windmill Palm. There are also the classic varieties found here in Florida such as the: Palmetto, Mediterranean fan, Coconut, Queen Palm, and Royal Palm.
To help narrow your choices, you’ll need to consider the placement and the size of the mature palm. Palms should be situated where they will get adequate light, have good drainage and plenty of room to grow. Since palm tree roots will spread just like other trees, special care should be given not to plant them too close to buildings, driveways and other areas that could be damaged by root growth. Many palms are towering plants and won’t fit well into many home landscaping projects.
Once the decision on the type of tree and where to plant it has been made, preparation of the site is crucial to a healthy future for your palm. The soil should have plenty of organic nutrients over a large area surrounding the tree so that the spreading root system will have access to the nutrients as the tree grows. Highly alkaline soil should be amended with sulfur. The root ball should be watered well before the hole is back filled with special care not to bury the trunk as it can lead to rot. Mulch should be spread several feet around the trunk, covering the root zone to help provide additional nourishment as it composts. Replace the mulch annually to continue this process.
After planting, your palm tree will need supplemental watering until it becomes established. It is best not to let the soil dry out completely during the first few months after it is planted, but also taking extra care not to over water and the soil stand soggy as this will open up the tree to possible fungal issues. You should do a foliar feeding in the springtime as well as use a proper time release granular feeding approximately every 4 months. Dead fronds should be pruned as they occur. In contrast, when pruning to maintain size one should only prune the bottom to middle fronds as topping a tree is not recommended with palms.
With a little palm tree care, these majestic plants can live in your landscape for generations, providing shade, dimension and exotic beauty. The staff here at Mid Florida Tree Service, complete with on-site Certified Arborists and skilled, knowledgeable technicians is here, ready to assist you with all your palm tree service questions. Contact us today at 813-986-2258 for all of your tree service needs in the Tampa, Hillsborough and Eastern Pasco county areas.
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