Serving Tampa, Hillsborough County & Eastern Pasco County
Elsewhere on the site, we've mentioned Deep Root Feeding or Deep Root Fertilizing, so it seems right to have a page to tell you a little more about what it is and why it's important.
Applying fertilizer on the surface around your tree may be a quick and easy thing to do, but then what actually happens to those nutrients?
The first thing to consider is that some of it will simply be washed away in the next rain or watering cycle.
The second thing to consider, and though it may be good for your yard, doesn't do any good for your tree, is that the grass will absorb some of those nutrients.
With deep root feeding, nutrients are placed underground so they are not washed away, and beyond the reach of grass roots, where your tree can feed without competition.
Trees in the wild don't need to be fertilized, why do mine need it?
Trees in the wild have the advantage of natural fertilization. Over the years, fallen leaves, dead grass, and animal droppings keep the soil healthy. Around our homes, we tend to pick up our debris and not let it decompose. In general we find the natural method unpleasant to look at. This can leave the soil deficient.
How can I tell if I need to fertilize my tree?
If you notice that your trees are putting on less foliage and flowers, or the leaves are smaller, off color or have dead spots, or other signs of stagnation, there's a good chance that your tree needs to be fed.
Mid Florida Tree Service can help identify your tree's needs and analyze your soil to know exactly what type and how much fertilizer to apply.
Contact us for more information and to schedule service. (813) 588-0315
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Mid-Florida Tree Service, Inc.
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